His articles

One of his renowned articles in the famed magazine, “ShyasththaAruDirghaJibon” was upon the eminent writer Padma Barkataky, named “Paddada”. He was the first editor-in-chief of the magazine “AamarProtinidhi”, Kolkata. Padma Barkaktaky after having an issue with the publishing house resigned from the post and started his own magazine “NatunProtinidhi”. Apart from being the editor –in-chief of the magazine he is also known for his prominent novel that carried great fame to him was “MonorDapon”. In his research about Padma Barkataky, he is deeply inspired by the struggling life of the persona. He also mentions in his research that Mr. Barkataky used to write the speech and other literary works for the then Honorable Chief Minister of Assam, HiteshwarSaikia.

In another article, he addresses the younger generation who are very tender in handling their emotions and there are chances of hormonal imbalances. The health professionals need to deliver high-quality health care to the unique needs of the vulnerable group. In this article, he also describes the various remedies to lift up the problem of child mortality whose degrading momentum that seems to gain. He suggests parents seek help from the health care providers to sanction the medications related to diseases such as polio, cerebral palsy, deaf-mutism, blindness, mental retardation, etc. He also speaks about the lack of registry of the diseases by the Govt. officials, agencies and NGOs who are working in this field. He suggests to form up region-wise directory as well as a registry of the people and organization working for them.

He also mentions in his souvenir that until and unless we work upon strengthening routine immunization, the polio eradication campaigns would go in vain. Another infectious disease that he puts light upon was HIV/AIDS. As the younger generation is more vulnerable to this disease, they need to be highly aware about the dreadful consequences of this chronicle disease.

In a concluding note he says that, in order to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to become a productive citizen of tomorrow, one and the younger generation especially should remain aware of the fatal consequences of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, cancer, etc. With proper guidance and health-care, one can surely stay away from such a dreadful disease and lead a fit and healthy life. Dr. Gokul Bora also expresses his gratitude towards the Honorable Chief Minister of Assam HiteshwarSaikia, reputed film director Jahnu Baruah, Dr. HemaPrabhaSaikia, the first lady mayor of Assam, R.N Srivastava, and other delegates. He expresses this gratitude towards these great personas during the cordial event of East Zone IAPCON, 1996. After giving a brief introduction to the history of Assam, he addresses the advancement of medical science in Assam. He also appeals that the standard of Neonatal care has been improvedtremendously during recent years both in private and public sector hospitals.

Another article which Dr. Gokul Bora wrote was “Matridugdho” where he put emphasis upon the various benefits of breastfeeding and the nutritional benefits of mother’s milk.

He quite elaborately describes in his article that the first nutrition that a baby receives is from its mother’s milk. Breast milk is nature's perfect baby food. It contains immunity-boosting antibodies and healthy enzymes. Protects against allergies and eczema, Causes less stomach upset, diarrhea, and constipation than formula. He also mentions that the mother’s milk reduces the risk of viruses, urinary tract infections, inflammatory bowel disease, gastroenteritis, ear infections, and respiratory infections. Protects against diseases such as spinal meningitis, type 1 diabetes, and Hodgkin's lymphoma, and most importantly it creates a unique bond between mother and son.

He analyzed that the new generation mother tends to use packed milk, bottled milk or processed milk to feed their infants rather than breastfeeding them. It results in degrading health of the child in future and the child might have to face malnutrition. He also mentions that along with the child the mother also benefits while breastfeeding its child. It depends upon the mother’s mental, emotional and physical strength and condition which provides adequate nutrition to the child.

His renowned work on “Crush Syndrome” has been widely acclaimed by many eminent pediatricians in India. He elaborated about this syndrome during his Entry Batch event, held in 1961 at Assam Medical College in the journal “Golden Re-Union”.

He addresses to his audience about the consequences of the syndrome and how this syndrome can be cured and take preliminary steps in preventing this acute disease. He describes that it is a severe systemic manifestation of trauma and ischemia involving soft tissues, principally skeletal muscle, due to prolonged severe crushing. It leads to increased permeability of the cell membrane and to the release of potassium, enzymes and myoglobin from within cells. Ischemic renal dysfunction secondary to hypotension and diminished renal perfusion results in acute tubular necrosis and uremia. It is also known as Bywaters' syndrome. Crush syndrome was first described by “Waters” in the British Medical Journal in 1941 after the London Blitz.

He describes about the causes of The Crush Syndrome where it is characterized by significant systemic symptoms resulting from toxins released by crushed muscle tissue. Crush injuries are commonly seen in severe trauma, and include direct soft tissue destruction, bony injury and limb ischemia.

He recommends about the remedies of the syndrome where the intravenous access and fluid resuscitation is the mainstay of treatment. This should start before the start of extrication and reperfusion syndrome. Aggressive resuscitation using warm Normal Saline is recommended to reverse metabolic acidosis, improve coagulation cascade and prevent renal failure.

In the 9th Annual Conference of Assam State Branch Of Indian Academy of Pediatrics in 1993, he discusses about the various issues related to the development of childcare in the North-eastern states of India. He appeals that Assam shows 39% in achieving the success in performance of the Universal Immunization Programme (U.I.P), whereas states like Karnataka achieves hundred percent in achieving the result. He tells that despite the low quality in registry system in urban, rural and hilly areas, we can find solace in the Infant Mortality Rate and birth-rate sector which has seen progress far better than the estimated National performance. The statistics are shown below in the table:

Assam India (National Figure)
I.M.R 77/1000 81/1000
B.R 27.5/1000 31/1000
D.R 9.2/1000 11/1000

He believes in his research which puts great emphasis not only on teachers but also to the pediatricians of both private and public sector. He put up such emphasis because of the social, cultural, ethnic and other variable qualities.

He introduces the suggestions of the state’s neonatologists to acquire passable care for the infants, where there is an ardent need for the ecesis of Level- II care in the new fangled clinics in the vicinity of Medical colleges, District Hospitals and facilities basically for the primary care at the initiating level.

On a concluding note, he describes about the colloquium problems that we usually face here. He discusses about the disturbing problem of child labor which is being exploited despite of various constitutional measures and schemes.

He feels that the problem might eradicate with the upliftment in the economic sector and awareness in the educational sector. But as we can see that our economic development has a progressive mode of snail’s trail we cannot expect to seek to rely upon the next upcoming generations. So, he recommends every citizen to responsibly contribute in eradicating the exploitation of “Child Labour”, and it is the duty of every pediatrician to provide a healthy outlook on the lives of the younger generation.

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